Festivals are coming back to Jefferson Parish! Wilson Phillips will perform at Uncle Sam Jam

METAIRIE, La.— With COVID-19 numbers dropping, Jefferson Parish is pretty much back to normal and ready to celebrate with festivals!

Several popular festivals are back on the calendar and WGNO’s Kenny Lopez gives us a preview.

Like pop group Wilson Phillips sang, “Hold On,” folks held on and were patient and now festivals are finally back in Jefferson Parish. Wilson Phillips is headlining one of them—Uncle Sam Jam in Lafreniere Park.

“We waited until more than 1.5 million people in Louisiana were fully vaccinated and the CDC has said the risk of COVID spread is greatly reduced,” Violet Peters with Jefferson Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau said.

Uncle Sam Jam will be on July 3rd celebrating its 25th anniversary with their signature fireworks show.

“This will be a record-breaking event. We have no doubt. There’s a reason why we’ve had up to 30-thousand people attend Uncle Sam Jam in Lafreniere Park for this event,” Dominick Impastato said.

Another outdoor festival that’s making a comeback is the Seafood Festival in the Town of Jean Lafitte on June 25th through June 27th.

“It has never been as important to show what Louisiana seafood is all about and what fresh seafood can taste like,” Tim Kerner, Mayor of Town of Jean Lafitte said.

But that’s not all. Today Jefferson Parish leaders announced the return of even more festivals including Grand Isle’s Tarpon Rodeo on July 22nd and Gretna Fest in late October.

“Fun-filled family atmosphere. It is a successful fest in the midst of historic downtown part of our city,” Belinda Watson, Mayor of Gretna said.

And if that’s not enough to look forward to… Metairie Mardi Gras parades will once again roll in 2022.

“The return, the return, the return, it is great to hear all these things are returning,” Scott Walker, Jefferson Parish Councilman-at-large said.

Festivals organizers say that by attending these open-air festivals that guest recognize they are voluntarily assuming all risks related to the exposure of COVID-19. They highly recommend that each guest is fully vaccinated.