Former Seacor Power captain and Seacor Operations Manager testify during hearing

HOUMA, La (WGNO) — Captain Scott Timmons, a former captain of the Seacor Power ship, gave his testimony about what happened on April 13, the day the ship capsized. Captain Timmons was on the boat earlier that day, before he was relieved by Captain David Ledet. Timmons testified about the escalating weather conditions that afternoon.

“My previous voyage in, we was coming in and again was catching winds and seas out of the southeast, and it was just a summer squall. Immediately come out of the north, and was receiving wind probably 35 to 40, I think at one time I looked at the peak, and it was 48,” said Captain Timmons.

Captain Timmons adding the weather quickly deteriorated once he was on shore, creating challenges for the ship that only moved about five knots.

“At 70 mile an hour winds, or 70 knot winds, seas are going to build rapidly, so you’re never going to make it very long in that type of wind anyway,” said Captain Timmons.

The board, questioning Captain Timmons about the condition of the ship prior to the accident, as well as ship operations and how equipment was stored on board.

“What’s important in vessel stability is where weight is centered or where weight is concentrated. If it’s concentrated up high, it makes the vessel less stable,” said Andrew Ehlers, an investigator with NTSB.

But Ehlers said they didn’t find anything unusual about storage.

The board reiterating the accident could’ve been caused by a combination of factors. When asked about the weather conditions that day, Seacor Operations Manager Paul Fremin said:

“All forecasts read the same. As the morning report one was, all three to four foot seas, 15 to 20 knot winds,” said Fremin.

The hearing will resume Tuesday, where more Seacor employees are expected to testify.