THIBODAUX, La. (WGNO) — For 25 years, Mark Goldman worked as an investigator in the Jefferson Parish Coroner’s Office. For the last five years, he has run the coroner’s office in Lafourche Parish.
During all those years, Goldman spent plenty of time working with organ procurement groups to help facilitate transplants for those in need. Now, he’s the one who needs an organ.
Goldman says that he got the bad news about a year ago that his kidneys were no longer working. Since then, he’s been receiving dialysis treatments at his home in Thibodaux. He says he had been working to enroll on the major transplant lists and programs locally and around the country.
But it turns out, Goldman only needed to look to his wife Melody for the solution.
“She’s a perfect match,” he tells WGNO.
Goldman says his wife will spend the next few weeks going through a series of tests to make sure she’s an appropriate kidney donor, but all early indications are good. He hopes they can have the surgeries in as early as two months.
Goldman has insurance, but it won’t cover all of the bills. He’s launched a Go Fund Me campaign to help cover the costs. So far, he’s raised more than $5,000 of his $8,500 goal.
“I’ve got seven grandkids,” Goldman says. “I want to be here for them.”