NEW ORLEANS – It’s no joke.
Really not a joke.
Except when one New Orleans guy’s got a good joke.
He’s thirteen.
And he’s warming up for his stand up.
Even when he sits down, he’s still a New Orleans comedian.
And he’s now one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.
WGNO News with a Twist fun guy Wild Bill asks this young man, “do people think you’re funny?”
The kid says, “I guess you could say that.”
His name is Ace.
Ace Nice.
And Ace hired a head joke writer.
And he’s Ace’s comedy coach.
A grown up.
Just to guide his stand up.
His name is Mike.
Mike Strecker.
Mike is a funny fellow.
And he’s a comic himself for the last 20 years.
Mike knows his business.
His funny business.
He’s written three written three books for kids who want to knock on the door of a comedy career in New Orleans.
Standing in the spotlight and heading into eighth grade in the fall, Ace Nice anticipates all the applause that he figures has to be headed his way.
Wild Bill asks, “would you rather be funny or smart?”
Ace Nice says, “funny because no one’s gonna know you have knowledge sometimes, but if you crack a joke or two in public, everyone knows you’re funny.”
The last laugh may be on Ace.
And that’s nice.
Because it’s probably something Ace Nice said.
Ace Nice heads to Jesuit in the fall.