Bat problem forces Uptown elementary school to relocate


NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – A bat situation at an Uptown school is so bad the students were sent home. However, the lessons go on for the 400+ kindergarten through third graders, lead by a sacred motto.

“A motto that is ringing true today, which is ‘we find a way or make one’,” says KIPP Believe Primary Founding School Leader Sarah Beth Greenberg.

Which means to escape the bats teachers and staff will both find and make a way to move everything learning related across town to a new building,” Teachers prove it possible every day with our kids and now they are proving it possible how we can turn around a space in seventeen hours,” says Greenberg. “We’ll be opening school up at the regular time tomorrow at the Holy Rosary school.”

The Recovery School District knew about a less severe bat situation before moving in last year.

A problem Greenberg says was, unfortunately, not tended to appropriately, “The last few days it’s gotten increasingly worse. We saw many bats yesterday.”

The bats primarily dwelled up on the 3rd floor getting in relatively easy.

The bat problem got worse once the roof was sealed up after Mardi Gras causing the bats to escape down through 3rd-floor classrooms.

Getting them out is no easy task, “We are taking every approach, and so we shut the 3rd floor down yesterday. There’s been netting, there’s been sealing up the roof, there’s been catching and releasing, there is potential for fumigation.”

School resumes at the new Holy Rosary location Thursday morning, same bat time.
