How much do you make per minute? Drew Brees earned roughly $49,000 per minute in 2018.

Did you know an average football game lasts 3 hours, but the time the ball is actually in play is only roughly 11 minutes?

The data analysis team at All Home Connections wanted to uncover how much money professional quarterbacks made per hour and per minute during the 2018 season.

According to the analysis: New Orleans Saints’ quarterback Drew Brees played 9 hours and 11 minutes in the 2018 season. That amounts to $48,937.97 per minute of playtime.

Other interesting findings from the research:

Aaron Rodgers has the highest yearly salary of any first-string quarterback. At $66,900,000 a year, Rodgers earns an hourly wage of $8,762,304. That shakes out to be $146,038 per minute of playtime.

In 2018, America’s median household income was $61,937. In the same year, the median pay for a starting quarterback was $15,750,000—That’s a little over 250 times as much as American’s median income.

Jimmy Garoppolo had the highest hourly rate of any big-name quarterback. In 2018, he took 197 snaps and had an estimated playtime of 1 hour, 31 minutes and 3 seconds. That amounts to a yearly salary of $41,950,000, meanwhile his hourly wage shakes out to be $27,645,113.

It would take someone who makes $80,000 a year over 345 years to make what Garoppolo makes in a single hour.

View the full report here.