‘I came out with no shoes on walking on ice,’ Help a 100-year-old woman rebuild after her home was destroyed by fire

LILLIE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — A woman and her son in Union Parish are thankful to be alive after a fire destroyed their home this week.

Seven months ago Mary Alderson celebrated her 100th birthday in front of her home. Today, she and her son Michael Alderson are poised in front of a much different scene.

“I heard him say the house was on fire the third time and then I turned over in the bed and I saw smoke over my head and I smelled something and I said I better get it out,” Ms. Alderson said.

Mary Eliza Alderson and her son Michael Alderson

Alderson says she was asleep around 6:30 a.m. when she heard her son calling for her. She thought he was wanting her to come to the kitchen to get ready for breakfast.

Both were able to leave the home without a chance to grab anything that was left behind like her glasses or purse. The only thing she has left from that Tuesday morning house fire was the nightgown she wore to bed.

“I came out with no shoes on walking on ice, barefoot walking on ice,” she said.

That home was worth over 60 years of memories. She and her late husband built that home after they got married. She raised her kids and other family members in that home.

All of the memorabilia of all of those special moments that were captured have now turned into dust and broken glass.

“All over the wall, about 5 books of special family pictures is all gone,” she said.

Alderson says she may have lost everything but she still has life and her sense of humor. As of what’s next, Alderson says she doesn’t know.

Everything still has to sink in that she will never get her home or her belongings back. Despite the loss, she’s very thankful she and her son made it out of the home alive.

Mary Alderson: “I’m okay. I’m not hurt.”
Gabrielle Phifer: “Praise God, Right?
Mary Alderson: “He’s Good. He’s Good. I thank the Lord for waking me up.”

Alderson has already ordered new glasses which will be in next week. Her son Michael is hoping they can purchase a trailer to put in the same spot where their home once was.

If you would like to help this family, you can donate here.

LILLIE, La. — A 100-year-old Lillie woman is thankful to be alive after her home caught fire early Tuesday morning.

Mary Eliza Alderson, who served as a nurse during World War II, has lived in the Union Parish home for nearly 80 years.

Mary was rescued from the home by her son before they inhaled any smoke.

NBC 10/FOX 14’s Gabrielle Phifer spoke with Mary about that morning and what is now next for her and her son.

Tune in tonight at 5 & 6 on NBC 10 and 5:30 on FOX 14 to see her full report.