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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — It’s getting late, and it’s almost time to close up for the evening. Here are some stories you might have missed today.

Louisiana U.S. Senate candidates trade jabs at heated final debate


The leading six candidates in a crowded U.S. Senate race traded a lot of personal jabs with each other when they took the stage tonight for the final debate held in an empty auditorium at Dillard University.

Want to help preserve City Park’s flying horses? Buy some art!


The 110-year-old carousel has been a City Park star since 1906.

The holidays are here and so are package thieves


Some thieves are looking for better deals than what we get on Black Friday.

Why do we still vote on Tuesdays for the general election?

women hand casting a vote

Traditions are sometimes hard to break, and the tradition to vote on a Tuesday is no exception.

New Zephyrs name to be unveiled November 15


The tweet, billing the name change as “the next chapter of New Orleans Baseball,” drew commentary right away from fans of the team.