Volunteers collecting supplies following big fire at Mandeville apartment complex

MANDEVILLE, LA — Workers at the Cypress Lakes Apartments in Mandeville say that 22 units were damaged or destroyed in a fire late Sunday morning, displacing 18 families.

Currently, the complex is working to move as many of them as possible into other, vacant apartments. Also, the management company, Tonti Properties, is covering the costs for three days of lodging for tenants who need it.

But even after they have a roof over their heads, many of the fire victims lost all of their belongings in the fire. So volunteers are used some office space at Cypress Lakes to collect supplies of all kinds to help people get back on their feet. The complex’s office had an entire room dedicated to collecting and distributing everything from bath towels to socks and diapers.

The fire started at about 11:00 on Sunday, March 1. The complex is located in the 2600 block of North Causeway Boulevard. The flames tore across an entire apartment building. Saint Tammany firefighters say the cause remains unknown.