Mix & match vaccines? Top Doctor at Children’s Hospital tells you what you need to know

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— Studies have shown that it is safe to “mix and match” vaccines, something the FDA is looking at.

“There’s a small study that indicated if you were one out of the 15-million who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 that you might get a better result out of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, then you would out of the J & J vaccine,” Dr. Mark Kline at Children’s Hospital New Orleans said.

He went on to say, “I think it is a great opportunity to gain protection. The J & J vaccine is not a bad vaccine, it is actually an excellent vaccine, it has just shown that it is not as effective at least in the initial series as the Pfizer or Moderna.”

Currently the Pfizer vaccine is the only vaccine to be approved for booster shots, but the FDA is looking at the other two as boosters. Doctors believe mixing and matching could be beneficial.

“This is an opportunity to take a booster of one of the other vaccines to receive the same level of protection that others have gotten out of the other two vaccines,” Dr. Kline said.

Another thing that experts are looking at is the vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11. A decision could be made later this month.

“I think we can assume that it will be effective in that age group, but the real question is the vaccine adequately safe for them,” Dr. Kline said.

Dr. Kline said, “We need vaccines for children less than 12 years of age. Having a vaccine for them will be a real step forward.”

Currently there are 3 patients at Children’s Hospital undergoing treatment for COVID-19.