New Orleans church hosts food distribution event

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — A New Orleans church is helping the community as inflation takes a toll.

On Sunday, the Ephesus Seventh-Day Adventist Church in New Orleans hosted a food distribution event.

The church teamed up with Convoy of Hope to distribute food and household necessities to people in the community.

LSU School of Medicine was also there to conduct free health screenings, as well as Energy Smart, a New Orleans program that offers energy efficiency solutions to help people and businesses save energy and money.

“[Convoy of Hope] bring[s] the food in and we get the volunteers, and we distribute the food to anyone in the community who’s in need,” said Harold Goodloe, the senior pastor of Ephesus SDA Church.

Pastor Goodloe says it’s no secret times have been challenging.

“You go to the gas station now; instead of two dollars-and-something a gallon, you’re paying almost four dollars a gallon,” said Goodloe. “So, with inflation being like it is, a lot of families who would not normally need help are in need of help now.”

Some who attended the distribution event picked up items to help a struggling family.

“They’ve had to make choices: Do I use this money to pay a bill? Do I use it to pay rent, mortgage, car note, buy groceries? So, this, in some way, does help them,” explained Shirley Mamou, a member of an SDA church in Alexandria.

Sunday’s event has inspired others to host similar charitable events at their churches in different parts of the state.

“We’re networking. We’re getting information on resources out here that’s going to help us do the same for our community back home,” said Mamou.

If you’d like to get involved with Ephesus SDA Church, click here.