New Orleans PCAB president calls leaders to action amid crime spike

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The Police Community Advisory Board is demanding action from city and state officials to combat crime in the city.

In a letter, the board’s president, Anthony Jackson, Jr., addressed the police department, the city council, state senators and representatives, and even Governor John Bel Edwards.

For Jackson, the recent spike in crime hits close to home.

“I was on my way home the other night, and I heard about no more than 10 to 15 gunshots, and I received calls that night,” recanted Jackson. “People were scared. Kids were playing outside, and unfortunately, they had to run inside.”

Jackson then composed a call-to-action letter, writing that holding city and state officials accountable is the only way to create change.

He also says civilians must be involved in the decision-making process.

“Some are frustrated, some are angry, some are hopeful,” said Jackson. “But when you compile all those emotions together, it could be a bad result if solutions are not met very quickly.”

Jackson listed several solutions in his letter; one calls on Governor Edwards to make a move.

“We request that [Governor Edwards] has the state troopers to patrol the highways,” said Jackson. “We asked the state legislators, the state senators, the state [representatives] to fight for more lightning on highways because of the heinous crimes, and we ask that they find funding to fund the youth-based programs.”

He also says officials going head-to-head in disagreement sends the wrong message. His statement comes after New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Shaun Ferguson and District Attorney Jason Williams exchanged sentiments about the city’s crime problem.

“If we can’t be on the same page as two bodies of the criminal justice system, then we won’t be able to get the bad guys,” said Jackson. “So, again, that’s just an example of how we have to provide a united front.”

We have reached out to Ferguson’s office, as well as city council members, and have not yet heard back.