OIG releases favorable review of NOPD’s handling of rape cases

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The New Orleans Police Department’s handling of rape cases in New Orleans received a favorable review Wednesday by the New Orleans Office of Inspector General. Read the full report.

“The NOPD deserves praise for this important progress,” Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux said at a news conference releasing the findings from an audit.

The audit was a result of two previous reports that showed serious systemic problems with NOPD’s documenting and reporting of rapes. A May 2014 OIG audit revealed that NOPD misclassified 46 percent of forcible rape offenses tested from June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2013.

That audit led to an OIG Investigations Division inquiry into NOPD’s documentation of sex crimes investigations by five detectives in the Special Victims Section. The report, released in November 2014, found that 65 percent of the sex crime cases reviewed contained no documentation or investigative efforts beyond the initial report and revealed a lack of effective supervision.

But a third audit did between October 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015, found the NOPD classified 99.4 percent of all 154 sex crime related calls. The OIG also found that NOPD included documentation in 100 percent of the case files and that NOPD supervisors reviewed and approved 100 percent of the case files by NOPD policies and procedures.

OIG auditors also found that NOPD reclassified (upgraded) 78 of the 154 (50.6 percent) calls for service and accurately reported these offenses to the UCR Program. OIG auditors also found that no instances of rape were reclassified (downgraded) to a miscellaneous offense.

“Our latest audit shows our 2014 reports launched a turnaround for NOPD’s handling of rapes, and NOPD deserves praise for this important progress,” stated Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux. “We will continue to audit the accuracy of sex crimes and other offenses to make sure the trend continues.”

Quatrevaux along with Chief Michael Harrison are holding a press conference beginning at 10:30 a.m. Check back for more on this developing story.
