Oil spill in Galliano caused by mechanical failure

GALLIANO, LA –  On Sunday, the Coast Guard responded to a crude oil discharge from the Bowley Cap Facility in Lake Bully Bonds near Galliano.

Watchstanders at Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Houma received a National Response Center report of approximately 2,100 gallons of crude oil going into a marshy area near the Bowley Cap Facility due to a mechanical failure at the facility.

A pollution response team from Marine Safety Unit Houma and a Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office representative deployed to the facility to work with other responding agencies to coordinate clean-up operations.

The source of the discharge has been secured and clean-up operations are underway to recover the spilled product.

Containment boom, lined with sorbent boom, has been deployed to contain the spill.

Three drum skimmers are engaged in skimming operations.

Recovery operations are scheduled to finish on Tuesday morning.