Police investigate possible threat at Mandeville High School

Mandeville High School (WGNO)

MANDEVILLE, LA.– The Mandeville Police Department says that they were contacted by a “concerned” individual about some pictures posted on Snapchat that may have inferred a threat to Mandeville High School.

Several photos featured a male holding a gun and one photo was of the same male taken at the high school, without a weapon.

There were no captions or verbalized threats to the school attached to the photos.

Mandeville Police Detectives did contact the person in the photos, a former student of Mandeville High School, and determined that the pictures of the gun and the picture of the school campus were unrelated and the person involved posed no threat to the school.

Chief Gerald Sticker had this to say about this latest incident:

“I applaud the individual for reporting this to the Mandeville Police Department! We take every report very seriously to ensure the safety of our students.”
