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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The American Red Cross has handed out more than 3,200 meals in New Orleans East to victims of Tuesday’s EF3 tornado.

With a distribution station set up at the temporary shelter at the Joe Brown Recreation Center and five emergency response vehicles spread out through the area, more than 90 Red Cross workers are handing out both hot meals and snacks.

In addition to food, residents are also receiving personal care packages, cleaning supplies, and tarps, according to the Red Cross

“As more areas become accessible in New Orleans East and we continue to assess the damage from Tuesday’s horrific storms, the Red Cross will continue to work with the city, state and our partners to support the growing needs of our community,” Red Cross in Louisiana chief executive Joshua Joachim said.

To get involved in the relief effort, visit, call 1-800-REDCROSS, or text TORNADO to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Financial gifts may also be sent to your local Red Cross chapter.