NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- Listen up ladies!
The Krewe of Muses kicked off its 2017 Annual Parade Ride eBay Auction.
Join the Goddesses for a once-in-a-lifetime chance for a woman (over 18 years of age) to ride in the all-female Krewe of Muses Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans on Thursday, February 23, 2017.
Muses’ past auctions have attracted tremendous internet attention and bidding wars.
Prize includes a priceless ride and an unforgettable experience, plus costume, mask, entry to the riding-member-only pre-party beginning at 2:00 p.m. and post-parade AMUSEment party.
Throws, which cost approximately $1,000, must be purchased separately.
Select 2017 Muses throws are still available.
All the proceeds go Team Gleason, founded by former Saint football player Steve Gleason after his diagnosis of ALS.
Bidding began Tuesday, January 17th, and ends Friday, January 27th, at 7 p.m.
To go directly to the auction, click here.
Happy bidding!