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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – You know his name.

You probably have it parked in your driveway.

Ronnie Lamarque.

He’s a Louisiana legend.

Ronnie’s been selling cars since the seventies.

Now, WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood wants you to see Ronnie Lamarque on the big stage.

Ronnie is a singer.

He’s been singing since he was six.

He’s got a sixteen-piece band backing him up.

They were supposed to play at Jazz Fest, but COVID-19 canceled the festival.

But the band plays on.

In fact, Ronnie Lemarque is on stage Friday, October 29 at Rock’n’Bowl.

You can enjoy the show from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm.

And the stage gets bigger.

In fact, it’s gone global.

Ronnie Lamarque just received the Global Music Award, for music makers who are simply the best, on Earth.

Not a bad journey for a kid from Arabi.