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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Last week, the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority reduced its monthly Jazzy passes by 18 percent. The price of the pass dropped from $55 to $45.

These temporary fare reductions are intended to encourage ridership as the agency moves to reinstate full transit service and COVID-19 vaccination rates increase throughout the region.

“We are laser-focused on our commitment to get our people back to work, and these fare changes make taking RTA more cost effective for all of our riders,” said Mayor LaToya Cantrell. “These changes don’t just help our workers, but they also help our seniors and our youth. I commend the RTA for instating a youth pass for the first time, creating a low-cost fare to help our youth get around the city safely.”

The RTA has also introduced a new Senior (65+) monthly Jazzy Pass for $14 per month and Senior Day Pass for $0.80, plus a new monthly Youth (K-12) Jazzy Pass for $18 per month, Youth Day Pass for $1 and a $.50 single ride fare.

The new monthly and day pass offerings will now be accepted on RTA bus, streetcar and ferry service, giving riders a single purchase option to ride all transit modes.

The newly reduced fares are available for purchase on the GoMobile app, or at the RTA’s Canal Street facility located at 2817 Canal St. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., as well as at the fare box with cash.

Passes will also be available to purchase at Walgreens locations later this summer.

RTA Reduced Fares Effective July 1

Fare TypeBus, Streetcar & FerryBus & Streetcar
Single-Ride* $1.25
Single-Ride Senior (65 +)* $0.40
Single-Ride Youth (K – 12th)* $0.50
1-Day Jazzy Pass$3.00 
1-Day Senior Pass$0.80 
1-Day Youth Pass$1.00 
31-Day Jazzy Pass$45.00 
31-Day Senior Pass$14.00 
31-Day Youth Pass$18.00 
Regional Ride $6.00
Children 5 and youngerFREEFREE

This is a temporary change expiring at the end of this year. A fare change study is being conducted by the RTA with the intention of making recommendations for permanent changes early next year.

To learn more, go to RTA’s website at