Sen. Kennedy weighs in on ‘Laurel’ vs. ‘Yanny’

NEW ORLEANS – A new trending test sweeping social media has people questioning what they are hearing.

And the discussion has reached all the way to Congress.

An audio recording of what some people hear as a robotic voice saying “Laurel,” has been heard by others as “Yanny.”

WGNO meteorologist Jason Disharoon said the difference in perception comes from the different pitches people are accustomed to hearing.

“I’ve heard ‘Yanny’ and ‘Laurel,’ depending on the different pitch of it,” Disharoon said.

Those used to hearing a deeper pitch will hear “Laurel,” while those used to hearing higher pitched voices will hear “Yanny,” Disharoon said.

Good Morning New Orleans anchor and reporter Carla Pesono agreed with Disharoon that the voice is saying “Laurel.”

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy was asked what he hears during an appearance on CNN, and he Kennedy seemed to have no hesitation about what he was hearing.

“I hear Laurel,” Kennedy said.

“We’re on the deeper side,” Pesono said. “We’re on the same page.”

What do you hear?
