Shimmying & Shaking: Mande Milkshakers serving up best shakes in town!

MANDEVILLE, La.– There’s a fun dance troupe in Mandeville that is known for its shimmying and shaking at Mardi Gras  parades.  These ladies who are career women, wives, and mothers are also known for their sweet charity deeds too!    News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez introduces us to the Mande Milkshakers!

Captain of the Mande Milkshakers, Tina Rhinehart said, “Mande comes from Mandeville and milkshake, we just like to leave that to your imagination.  The theme of our group is 1950’s housewives and we wear these cute retro red and white costumes.”

The Mande Milkshakers have four pillars: Fitness, Fun, Friendship, and Philanthropy.

“We raise money for local charities.  Right now we partner with Miracle League North Shore.  They empower young disabled children.  We recently raised $8,500 for them,” Rhinehart said.

You can even catch the Mande Milkshakers dancing at the New Orleans Pelicans game on October 26th.

For more information about the Mande Milkshakers and their upcoming events, click HERE.

