Smoking ban in all city bars goes to a vote

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – New Orleans City Council will vote yes or no at the next meeting to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and casinos.

However, an amendment dismissing New Orleans police from enforcing a ban could be the only thing stopping the smoke-free ordinance from passing.

On the eve of the biggest vote ever to ban smoking, Councilman Jason Williams says he’ll vote “No” if utilizing NOPD resources remains part of the plan, “We simply cannot afford to take police officers off the street even for a minute to deal with smoking in bars.”

That would leave enforcing a new smoking ban up to the New Orleans Dept. of Health, Dept. of Safety and Permits, Dept. of Code Enforcement, Dept. of Parks and Parkways, the Recreation Development Commission, and the fire department.

“I cannot support it,” says Williams, about police enforcing smokers. “I don’t think anyone wants the police department to take an extra ten minutes to get to their house after it’s been robbed or they’ve been mugged because they’re dealing with someone who might be smoking.”

The ordinance as it’s written now, would make it illegal to smoke in all ‘enclosed’ public spaces, private clubs, casinos, correctional facilities and school buildings.

More amendments to the ordinance are expected pertaining to patios, balconies, and e-cigarettes.

Individual smokers could get fined between $100 for the first offense and a $500 fine for a third.

The most severe penalty for a business in violation is a revoked operating permit.