Covington parents get call from St. Tammany school district after social media post

COVINGTON – St. Tammany residents with children who attend schools in Covington got a scary wake up call this morning.

A robocall went out to the parents of all Covington elementary and high school students warning of a potentially threatening social media post, according to St. Tammany Parish School Board communication director Meredith Mendez.

“I want to make you aware that it was reported to administrators that a student posted a comment on social media about an alleged threat towards our school,” the call began. “We immediately contacted law enforcement and are investigating. The student has been excluded from school and the appropriate disciplinary measures are being taken. Parents, please help us by talking with your child about school safety and let them know that any comments made about a threat, even as a joke or made with no intention of actually carrying out a threat, will be taken seriously. We take every effort to maintain a safe and secure learning environment at our school.”

No incidents have been reported at Covington schools today, and the situation is considered to be over, Mendez said.