Superior shucker: New Orleans man takes 2nd in national oyster shucking contest

MARYLAND — A big congrats is in order for New Orleans’ own Jay Gallet from Superior Seafood.

He took second place at the National Oyster Shucking Championship in Maryland.

It was a contest to see who could shuck 24 oysters the fastest. Jay clocked in at 1 minute and 54 seconds.

Jay certainly has his own style. He made his oyster knife himself — out of oak.

On a regular day, Jay can shuck up to 3,000 oysters at Superior Seafood in Uptown.

Jay is no stranger to showing off his shucking skills in contests. He’s a former king shucker at the P&J Oyster Shucking Contest at the annual New Orleans Oyster Festival. Read more about Jay’s shucking here.

If Jay can shuck 24 oysters in just under 2 minutes, who could possibly beat him? According to WJHG, it’s a Panama City, Florida, man by the name of Honor Allen.
