Tickets to top New Orleans sporting events could be yours for about 35 cents each!

NEW ORLEANS, LA - (Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

NEW ORLEANS — The Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation works to promote and attract the biggest sporting events in New Orleans.

Thanks to the group’s Premier Season Ticket fundraiser, you could see the biggest of the games.

For a $100 dollar entry, you’ll have a chance at winning an incredible selection of seats.  They are:

A total of 1,500 tickets will be sold.  The website to buy your chance is gnosports.com/win.  You can enter by clicking here. 

If you win, each ticket will have costs you about 35 cents!

The winner will be announced during the third quarter of the R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl on December 21.  The approximate time for the raffle winner announcement is 9:00 that night.