Winner of the ‘Dumpster Gator’ Halloween costume contest announced

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — This Halloween Demo Diva hosted a costume contest to win $500 to the best “Dumpster Gator” costume.

The story of the infamous “Dumpster Gator” began in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida when WGNO’s Kenny Lopez first did the story about the massive alligator found dead in a Demo Diva dumpster on Upperline Street.

Left, Brooke Laizer, right, Winner Drew Oncale

Kenny Lopez contacted Simone Bruni, Owner of Demo Diva to tell her about the giant dead alligator found in one of the dumpsters the company had rented out.

That’s when Bruni went to the dumpster and placed a flower on top of the dumpster gator which was covered with a blue tarp. Social media went crazy for “Dumpster Gator” and now “Dumpster Gator” has become engrained in the fabric of New Orleans culture.

There is a “Dumpster Gator” decal at Fleurty Girl, a local woman got a “Dumpster Gator” tattoo, there was a poem written about “Dumpster Gator,” and Halloween decoration signs were made of “Dumpster Gator.”

“Dumpster Gator” became so popular that many people dressed up as the animal with the dumpster for Halloween. The winner of Demo Diva’s Halloween “Dumpster Gator” costume contest is Drew Oncale.