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(NEXSTAR) — Looking to get dumped during your Halloween date? Probably not. And that’s why political costumes should be avoided, according to a survey by

The company found 68% of men surveyed and 52% of women say putting a political spin on your costume is a “no-no.”

Trying to impress? Work to get a laugh. Nearly 70% of people surveyed said funny costumes are the most attractive.

“It’s important to us to pinpoint what works and what doesn’t to make the search for love as effective as possible, right down to the details of common costume pitfalls,” Maria Sullivan, the online dating site’s vice president, said in a statement.

According to the survey, cute costumes ranked second highest for attractiveness at 18%, with scary costumes coming in third at 13%.

The survey also found that nearly half of respondents — 48% — consider Halloween their favorite holiday to meet new people “given its casual nature.”

“Halloween is an important holiday for singles looking to meet new people in a more casual setting,” said Sullivan. “This year is no different, other than the virtual and socially-distanced celebration formats required to safely partake in its festivities.”