Broussard priest tests positive for COVID-19, Masses will be live online

BROUSSARD, La. (KLFY) — Officials at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Broussard confirmed via Facebook Thursday that one of their priests has tested positive for COVID-19 and that Masses will be streamed online in case parishioners are uncomfortable attending in-person.

According to the Facebook post, which can be seen in its entirety below, Associate Pastor Fr. Kyle White tested positive Wednesday night.

“At the onset of symptoms Fr. White began strict self-quarantining and is transitioning to off campus housing,” states the post. “Fr. White, in accordance with the CDC guidelines, will remain quarantined and off the property for 10 days after being symptomatic.”

Anyone who had contact with Fr. White in the last week is being asked to take precautions and to seek medical attention, if necessary.

In Fr. White’s absense, Masses will be said by Pastor Fr. Michael Delcambre. Delcambre and a seminarian in the church were reportedly not in close contact with Fr. White in the 48 hours prior to his diagnosis. Out of precaution, both men were tested and came back negative.

Those who do not feel comfortable attending Mass in-person are urged to watch the livestream of the service at shbroussard.org/live. The 9 a.m Mass is also available via the church’s Facebook. The Sunday, July 5 8 a.m. service will be held outdoors, weather permitting.