Louisiana Kids: Dunham senior writes musical about diversity to educate and entertain

One graduating senior from Dunham school in Baton Rouge wrote a play called “Black & White to Grey: A Letter to America.”

Gabriel Bostick says this musical shows how the arts can celebrate trailblazers, regardless of background.

“I have hopes of it making an impact on my community, but I know that my responsibility is just to get the message out there,” said Gabriel Bostick.

A doorway to diversity is what the writer of Black and white to grey: Letter to America calls his musical.

“It allowed me to explore the way we use dance, theater, choir, band, and art to see the triumphs that lie in our community and in humanity,” said Gabriel.

He calls it edu-tainment. That’s when you are entertained and educated at the same time. He got the inspiration for the musical from the world being so divided. He wanted to do something about.

“It’s not just about me, in fact it’s not about me at all. It’s about the impact that I can make, it’s about the people that I meet, the interactions that I have. I have always heard that my joy may be the only joy that someone gets to experience but it started with my parents,” said Bostick.

“Even though you may have preconceived ideas as to what you think the child should do, but that child is letting them know what’s important to you,” said Leslie Bostick, Gabriel’s mom.

Leslie said she is just proud of the young man she and her husband raised.

“Raise them up in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. They don’t know other than what you teach them. Not teaching them to hate, that starts at childhood,’’ said Leslie.

Most of the kids highlighted in this series have supportive parents or loved ones, but not everyone does. Gabriel has this message for those kids.

“At the end of the day, it’s the amazing that’s in you that’s going to develop. Whether that develops through interactions with your parents or just through daily life,” said Gabriel.

He also has a message for America.

“I hope that you decide to take that first step, don’t wait for anyone else to go. It’s your turn, it’s your mic. What are you going to say with it?” said Gabriel.

Gabriel will be attending Duke University in the fall of 2022 on a full scholarship.