Louisiana man accused of trying to trade illegal drugs for child porn

Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office

PIERRE PART, La. (BRPROUD) — James Gregoire, 66, of, Pierre Part was arrested recently after an investigation by the Assumption Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The investigation centered around Pierre Part and eventually led to Gregoire being charged with various drug offenses and underage sex crimes.

The investigation began with a complaint that Gregoire was “a suspect in numerous sex crimes upon a juvenile,” according to the Assumption Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The ensuing investigation found that the 66-year-old apparently used social media to commit these sex crimes.

APSO says, “Investigators determined that Gregoire allegedly communicated with the victim requesting certain pornographic material in exchange for illegal drugs and in fact did provide illegal narcotics to this individual.”

Gregoire is accused of making additional overtures of a sexual nature to the juvenile.

Those offers were declined and James Gregoire was subsequently arrested by law enforcement.

As part of the investigation, illegal drugs were confiscated from Gregoire’s home.

Gregoire is facing the charges listed below:

James Gregoire remains behind bars in the Assumption Parish Jail.