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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles will off free credit monitoring and identity theft protection from LifeLock for a year following a data breach announced in June.

On May 31, the Office of Motor Vehicles was part of a security breach involving MOVEit, a large data transferring platform. Louisiana residents’ personal information such as name, date of birth, address, social security number and vehicle registration was vulnerable to attacks.

“Upon learning of the incident, immediate measures were taken to secure the MOVEIt environment utilized to transfer files. A thorough investigation was conducted, and it was determined that there was the unauthorized acquisition of and access to, OMV files in the MOVEIt environment,” said the OMV in a release.

If personal information is believed to have been involved, the OMV encourages users to monitor and report the incident immediately.

Click here to sign up for free credit monitoring and identity theft protection.

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