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SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – A recent study reports that lead, arsenic, and other metals are found in tampon products.

Mark Ryan, the executive director of the Louisiana Poison Center, has read the report and believes it is key to put things in perspective.

Dr. Ryan says many of the metals quoted in the study are naturally occurring, and humans are already exposed to them.

“Whether it’s through the food, the vegetables, the fruits that we eat, because they’re naturally occurring in soil in many cases, whether it’s environmental, contaminates in the air, even in old cars we had led gas,” said Dr. Ryan.

He says most things can be poisonous in some way, but it depends on the dose.

The executive director says lead can affect brain, heart, kidneys, all of our organs, and it can be detrimental, especially in children. However, he says the study lacks in some areas.

“What it didn’t show, hasn’t shown, is harm that has been directly caused because of it. And if you look at the sheer numbers of the number of feminine products that are used, you can really expect that if there were going to be health problems from them, they would have shown up by now,” said Dr. Ryan.

He says the study is too early to sound any alarms.

“I’m concerned that when early – especially studies and reports come out like this, it really gets people excited that this is a problem, and I should stop using these products. We’re not there,” said Dr. Ryan.

He says the amount of metal content and harm caused are absent.

“I don’t know that I would tell anybody to change their use habits right now; that’s a personal choice if they decide to do so, but I don’t think the scientific data is there to suggest that they should.”

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