Mother wants daycare held accountable after toddler wanders onto highway

HAUGHTON, La. (KTAL/KMSS) — A Haughton mother says a local daycare lost track of her son and he was found wandering on Highway 80.

“Could you imagine me getting a phone call, telling me my baby is dead, after I trusted these people?” asked Courtney Brumfield.

Tuesday morning, Brumfield was on her way to work when she received a call from All About Kids Daycare that made her heart drop.

“Saying, my three year old son managed to get past all the teachers, through two exit doors and ends up on Highway 80. Running down Highway 80 screaming for his mom.”

It wasn’t until a Good Samaritan by the name of Patricia St. Andry pulled over and took 3-year-old Kingston back to the daycare.

“If it wasn’t for Patricia and her son, and that construction zone, my child could be dead today. Y’know, I could be at a funeral today. And I’m just supposed to be okay?”

The driver behind Patricia recounts what he saw.

“I saw a little boy walking by where they’re doing the construction,” said Garrett Green. “He’s walking by the cones and I just thank God he’s safe because the lady in front of me stopped and had her son get out and take him back in to daycare. At first, I didn’t think anything of it but then I looked again and I was like, woah hold up, what’s going on? I was worried someone might get him, kidnap him or something.”

When Brumfield got to the daycare, she asked to look at the security cameras.

“It was really until I got there and I asked to see the camera footage that I realized my child was on Highway 80. Nobody came running out for him, nobody knew he was gone.”

3-year-old Kingston has been going to All About Kids Daycare since he was about seven months old. Brumfield says no one has reached out to her since the incident.

“It’s just like, brush it off, and move on with your life. No! My baby, my three-year old baby could be gone today. And then what? Would it be a big deal then? We want to prevent this from happening, so that no parent has to go through this.”

For now, Kingston will be in the care of his aunt while him mom is at work.

“How does anyone expect me to put him anywhere right now? I don’t think I’d be able to come to work and be okay. Wondering, is he okay, is he coloring, or is he in the middle of a highway somewhere?”

We reached out to the daycare’s lawyer who declined to comment. Bossier deputies say their investigation shows there was no criminal intent, so no charges will be filed.