Oh Baby! Jeanerette Fire Chief delivers surprise to local mom

Jeanerette Fire Chief delivers baby

IBERIA PARISH, La. (KLFY) — The Jeanerette Fire Chief has a new title.

Newborn Jermon Alfred Jr. will one day learn all about the wild entrance he made into the world surrounded by the woman whom he would soon call, Nanny.

Chief Sherry Ann Landry says the morning of November 4 started like any other day until firefighters got a call that a local woman was in labor and couldn’t make it to the hospital.

The woman’s fiancé had called 911, and the fire department arrived along with the EMS. 

“I arrived on scene with Acadian Ambulance and as they were getting their equipment together, I proceeded into the house because the family was telling us to hurry,” Landry said.

She said when she walked into the room where the new mommy-to-be was, she knew there was no question that a baby was soon going to be delivered.

“I hollered out the bedroom door to the medics who was still outside, that the head was out.”

Landry said as she focused back on the new mom to be there was some screaming, and midway through the screams and pushing the head had come out.

“She said I have to push again and she did and he came out and I caught him in my hands, placed him on the bed, and started drying him off. He cried instantly which was the best sound ever! It happened so fast!”

Landry said although baby deliveries are a rare call, her years of training prepared her for the moment.

“The medics came in, and took over the care and once the cord was cut I got to cuddle him and keep him warm while medics tended to mom.”

Afterward, she said, both mom and baby Jermon were transported to a local hospital.

When Chief Landry paid the family a visit over the weekend, she got an even bigger surprise.

“I was asked to be his godmother and I accepted. I consider it the honor of a lifetime,” she said.

Landry got emotional as she recalled the day’s event.

“There are so many calls we go on that the outcome is death. This was a blessing. The outcome was a new life.”