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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — New Orleans leaders continued their efforts to clean up homeless encampments in the area on Wednesday, July 17.

The New Orleans Police Department, the City of New Orleans Sanitation Department, the New Orleans Health Department and the Office of Homeless Services and Strategy gathered to clear out the homeless encampment on Old Gentilly Road at the Interstate 10 West on ramp.

Some neighbors in the area say they are glad to see the city taking action.

“That’s good. I was told don’t even litter in your own city, and this is clutter. You know, who wants to see clutter on a day-to-day basis on their commute to work?” said neighbor Rashad Devezine.

“Everyone who is relocated from an encampment is offered housing and a continuum of services, which means there is a counselor who will go around and provide for their needs,” said New Orleans City Councilman Eugene Green.

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