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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — A group of young entrepreneurs have banded together, going curb to curb with just a can of spray paint.

“It’s good to have a job where you love what you are doing,” says Kenji Thompson.

With just a can of paint and a few numbers, King Curb has made its mark, spray painting one curb at a time. Over the past year, the young entrepreneurs have worked on at least 10 curbs a day in their free time.

Yet, Thompson says it was never about the money but the time he spends with his friends.

“The experience has been just very phenomenal. I do this for them because this experience is really fun,” says Thompson.

On average, these young entrepreneurs say they paint at least 15 addresses onto curbs in a normal day.

Using their bike to get to their destination, Nairell Williams explains how each curb gets them one step closer to their goals.

“Us being young, you know we are trying to save our money, get better with saving. We are trying to put it back into the business and invest money into the paint. Save money for college and any other educational things that will get us further,” says Williams.

But Williams says it’s the support from the community that’s been the greatest feeling.

“A lot of people have been supporting us. We come out knock on doors. Business has been good so far,” says Williams.

When advising young entrepreneurs, Kingston Benn tells them putting in the work is beneficial, but a loyal support system goes a long way.

“You have to have time and dedication. It might be easy for the work, but the time and dedication is the most work. I wouldn’t be here without these two,” says Benn.

If you’d like your curb painted, you can call (504)-321-0091.

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