New glass recycling drop-off locations set in French Quarter

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — A one-of-its-kind program is now underway thanks to a partnership between the French Quarter Management District and Glass Half Full.

Glass recycling sites are opening at the Jazz Museum on Esplanade Avenue on Tuesdays, Cabrini Park on Thursdays and the Historic New Orleans Collection on Sundays.

“The city has curbside recycling for other recyclables but not for glass, not since Katrina. Glass Half Full started a few years ago and they’ve had their drop off but to be able to bring other drop off sites is a great resource for not only our neighborhood but for people who visit our neighborhoods,” said French Quarter Management District Executive Director Karley Frankic.

Once the glass is collected from these locations, those with Glass Half Full will pulverize it into sand, which is then used for a variety of environmental reasons, all benefiting the state of Louisiana.

“It’s something that’s infinitely recyclable. So, we can use it over and over again. What Glass Half Full does is turn it into sand and uses it for coastal restoration projects in Louisiana. So, it’s really cool closing that loop and making it as successful as possible,” said Glass Half Full Residential Logistics Coordinator Kelsie Guzlik.

Until now, many New Orleans residents’ only option to recycle their glass involved a drive out to a facility near the industrial canal.

“I am happy to hear that this initiative has started because we need recycling in this city. We are not a third world country, and we need recycling like other places have recycling,” said New Orleans resident Donna Sims.

Because of this program, the amount of recycled glass is expected to increase dramatically in the city.

“It’s an easy win. It’s a low-cost way to have a major impact for our community,” said Frankic.

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