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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— New scores from the Louisiana Department of Education shows students’ performances are back to pre-pandemic levels.

NOLA Public Schools received a “C” grade with a small decrease in this district performance score from 2019.

Dr. Avis Williams, Superintendent of NOLA Public Schools said, “We maintained the letter grade that we had before and I think being able to do that despite many learning disruptions and trauma we’ve experienced, I can’t be too disappointed in that.”

Disruptions like the pandemic and Hurricane Ida played a role in the scores.

“Overall we are proud of our scholars and of our teachers who have supported the schools during these difficult times,” Dr. Williams said.

Dr. Williams says 14 schools showed overall improvement with 3 of them being Renew Charter Schools, but there’s always room for more growth.

“Some of our schools experienced decline. We had 8 schools that dropped a letter grade to an “F.”

One school that is a shining example and maintained their “A” grade is Hynes, and CEO Dr. Michelle Douglas says success isn’t easy.

“We live in a growth mind set, where teacher preparation and teacher education leads to an environment where students prosper,” Dr. Douglas said.

Louisiana schools overall scored a “B” grade, the same performance grade they received pre-pandemic in 2019.

As for the state there’s been growth in literacy, but math scores are very low.

“Clearly we know we have a long way to go,” Dr. Cade Brumley, Superintendent of Louisiana Department of Education said.

HERE is the listing of all schools, parishes, and performance scores.

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