Open since 1917, a ‘Sorry, We’re Closed’ sign is on this local hardware store

OLD GRETNA, La. (WGNO) — At his hardware store, a guy named Ken goes to work.

The job now is to pack up the place.

That’s because after one hundred years in business, since 1917 Neeb’s Hardware is closing.

WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood has a question for Ken.

Bill Wood asks, “this is your store, should I call you, Mr. Neeb?”

Ken says, “Mr. Neeb was the original owner and started the business in 1917, my father came to work here in the thirties, bought the business from Mr. Neeb and I bought the business from my father in the late seventies.”

The rest is hardware history for Ken.

His last name is Donwar.

He’s been hanging out here since he was a kid.

And Ken’s got a scrapbook of a lifetime.

His lifetime.

Now, at age 71, he’s really just ready to retire.

So he’s shutting down his old Louisiana store in Old Gretna.

After surviving the big-box competition, two World Wars, and who knows how many hurricanes.

Bill Wood says to Ken, “you’re used to being here by yourself, six days a week, ten hours a day, what will you do with all that time on your hands?”

Ken says, “my wife has plans, traveling, child out of state, visiting grandkids, that’ll keep us busy.”

If you’re in the neighborhood, you’ll have to go shop someplace else.

Sorry, you won’t even be able to buy a “Sorry We’re Closed” sign.

Neeb’s Hardware is now closed.