Plaquemines Parish government requesting name change for Judge Perez Bridge

PLAQUEMINES PARISH – On July 9, Plaquemines Parish Council unanimously passed Resolution 20-165, introduced by Council Chairman Carlton LaFrance, authorizing President Kirk Lepine to contact the Louisiana Legislature to officially rename the bridge currently known as the “Judge Perez Bridge,” to the Belle Chasse Bridge.

Parish President Kirk Lepine echoed the response in a letter to the parish’s Legislators urging them to move forward with the official name changing process.

In the letter, Lepine details “Perez’s actions are not in keeping with the parish’s values or the appreciation for the diverse and multi-cultural communities throughout Plaquemines Parish.”

As for the next steps, according to Louisiana law R.S. 48:192, the exclusive right to name (or memorialize) state highways and bridges is given to the Louisiana Legislature.

State Legislators who received the letter have all responded promptly and state they are looking forward to drafting a bill to finalize the bridge renaming.

As of 2018, Louisiana’s Legislature has passed over 150 Acts and dedicated more than 200 roads to memorialize individuals or groups by naming highways and bridges throughout the state.