Special committee settles on three options to rename Lee High School

BATON ROUGE , La. (LOCAL 33)( FOX 44) – A special committee tasked with renaming Lee High School, pored through thousands of suggestions before settling on three alternatives to the school’s current, controversial name on Monday July 13.

The committee members have until the end of the week to select one final name out the following list:

Both students and faculty were encouraged to participate in the renaming process. Dadrius Lanus, a school board and committee member, says this isn’t the final review of the names. Some may be altered for the sake of brevity before the final vote July 16.

“We may make some name modifications just to make sure that we are doing our part,” Lanus says.

The renaming committee’s focus now, is to pick a choice that won’t cause a rift between community members. One Lee High School student attending the meeting, Ronald Gibson, suggested the committee chose a name without any racial connotation. He says the committee could avoid backlash from naysayers if the name is more inclusive.

“We wanted to have a name that was race neutral,” Gibson says.

Originally called Robert E. Lee High School, this isn’t the first time the school’s name has come under question. Back in 2016 people started to voice distaste for its link to Confederate general, Robert E. Lee. A committee voted to remove the Robert E. from the title and name it Lee High School.

The committee is set to have a new name in time for the 2020-2021 school year.

It will cost between $250,000 and $300,000 to change.

The EBR School Board will foot some of the bill to cover costs.