Heart failure survivor gears up for American Heart Association’s Heart Walk in Covington

COVINGTON, La. (WGNO) — The American Heart Association is gearing up for its annual Northshore Heart Walk on Saturday, May 11.

With every beat of her heart, 50-year-old LaTonya Knox wants to be heart-healthy.

“Eating right, exercising,” she said.

She’s taking the steps to live a long, healthy life. This is because 17 years ago, she suffered from heart failure after giving birth to her son.

“I thought the symptoms were typical of someone who just had a baby,” she said.

She was nauseous, short of breath and bloated.

“I went to the hospital and realized I was in heart failure,” she said.

Since then, Knox’s heart health improved.

“I feel great, not any medication for it,” Knox said.

For survivors like Knox, it is all about changing her lifestyle and making sure she gets those steps in.

“Less fried foods, a lot less, and more fruits and vegetables. I count my steps. I try to get 10,000 steps,” Knox said.

Her step count will increase on Saturday when she walks 1.6 miles for the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk in Covington. A walk that LCMC Health Lakeview Hospital supports.

“We all know that a healthy mind and healthy body leads to a healthy lifestyle. We want to make sure we promote that, and we are an advocate and a voice,” said Lakeview Hospital CEO Benjamin Richaud.

Richaud said the walk supports research and education, but most importantly, “Really, at the end of the day, it saves lives.”

“Really it will be a day of camaraderie and fellowship,” he stated.

Saving lives like Knox’s, who now shares her survival story.

“I hope to bring awareness to new mothers, that they know and understand that this is something that can potentially happen,” Knox said.

The Northshore Heart Walk begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday at the Covington Trailhead. Check-in begins at 8 a.m. To register, visit the event website.

WGNO’s Curt Sprang will emcee the walk.

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