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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD)– Robotic surgery has been around since the 1990s and continues to advance. According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, over the past 15 years robotics surgery has become increasingly popular in the U.S.

“So as a teaching facility, we can teach some of these complex cases that we may be some of the only ones in the country doing. We can teach this to a surgeon without them actually having to come here,” said Dr. John J. Tabor, Director of Advanced Robotics Institute at Baton Rouge General.

Baton Rouge General Advanced Robotics Institute says it offers increased surgical precision, which could lead to shorter recovery time for patients.

One surgeon at Baton Rouge General says gallbladder surgeries are predominantly performed with robotics because of the effective outcomes.

“We do all of our gallbladders robotically nowadays just because our outcomes are very good. When it’s a very difficult gallbladder occasionally, patients may require an open cut on their abdomen, but with the robotic technology we have, it’s so advanced that the risk of having an open surgery is almost zero,” said Dr. Karalyn Bentley, Baton Rouge General surgeon.

Bentley added that robotic surgery is something all patients should keep in mind.

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