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PONCHATOULA, La. (WGNO) — The Ponchatoula City Council has approved a new budget for the police department that would mean a raise for officers, but Ponchatoula Police Chief Bry Layrisson says the raise comes at a cost.

“In order to give a 3% raise, the mayor and the council thought it was in the best interest that they would eliminate two of our existing police officer positions,” said Layrisson.

After an increase in things like insurance and retirement, the budget is now $25,000 less than the previous year, not the outcome Layrisson was hoping for.

“We’re short now. We can’t fill those positions,” said Layrisson.

Filling a position could take anywhere from three to six months, putting a massive strain on the department.

“It’s putting the public safety at risk, you know because we’re going to have less police officers patrol in our community. Less presence means an increase in crime,” said Layrisson.

A 3% raise is the lowest employee salary increase for any city department.

Layrisson alleges the administration is discriminating against police officers.

“They risk their lives every day serving our community, protecting our citizens. They’re not asking to be millionaires, but they’re asking for a livable wage,” said Layrisson.

He also claims the mayor has gone on record saying that the chief has the authority to distribute employee raises as he sees fit. Layrisson says that’s not true.

“Civil service laws that police chief and fire chief have no control over officers pay,” said Layrisson.

For the first time in 20 years, voters elected a new mayor, Wesley Daniels, who will be taking office July 1, along with two new council members.

Layrisson hopes the change in leadership will mean an end to a battle over funding.

“Hopefully we can come to a resolution on this because all my officers are asking for is to be fairly compensated based off the salary study that the council requested and approved in,” said Layrisson.

WGNO reached out to the mayor for comment but has not heard back.

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