Turkey Creek Police Chief says low blood sugar to blame for officer’s behavior

TURKEY CREEK, La. (KLFY) — A Turkey Creek police officer, who is diabetic, may have experienced a severe hypoglycemic episode when he allegedly made threats inside a convenience store while brandishing his weapon.

Officer Zach Johnson is accused of threatening to kill a woman and everyone inside the Y-NOT STOP convenience store, then take his own life. 

Police Chief Steven Ardoin said when officers arrived on the scene, they found Johnson inside an ambulance being treated for low blood sugar.

In a press statement issued Monday, Ardoin said medical personnel advised officers that Johnson’s blood sugar was so low that he was close to diabetic shock, which could have caused delirium.

After purchasing apple juice and using all the glucose medicine on Ardoin said Johnson’s blood stabilized.

He was then arrested by detectives with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff’s Office.

“Evangeline Parish Sheriff Guillory knows of the medical condition that Officer Johnson was facing after the incident occurred but refuses to acknowledge these facts or take them into consideration.” Ardoin said.

While not excusing his behavior, Ardoin said Johnson was acting noticeably different before leaving the station on the morning of Feb. 1 to begin his patrol.

“Officer Johnson stated that his sugar may be dropping and that he had snacks in the car and would be stopping to get something to drink at the store.”

The incident is still under investigation.