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MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — Power-based violence is defined as the intent to control or intimidate someone through an assertion of power.

Act 472 of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session of the Louisiana Legislature directs the Board of Regents to establish policies and practices to address the reporting and prevention of this type of violence.

Amanda Gill, Title IX Coordinator at the University of Louisiana Monroe, says that within the university, each reported incident of power-based violence is investigated to its fullest extent.

There is an annual report that is posted on our website annually, and it is available to the public, so I welcome anybody to really check out ULM’s Title IX website to view that report

Amanda Gill, ULM Title IX Coordinator

The power-based violence review panel established under the Board of Regents shall advise and assist institutions to establish procedures that provide prevention programs.

The stronger that we can make our laws and our policies to protect students from any sort of sexual misconduct or, you know, sexual violence is just extremely important. I think that anything that we can do to review our policies and make sure that they are solid and strong to protect our students is just a really good thing.

Amanda Gill, ULM Title IX Coordinator

For more information on power-based violence, CLICK HERE.

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