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Baton Rouge, La. — The Louisiana GOP (LAGOP) has come out swinging against President Biden, just hours after Biden urged unity between the two political parties in his inaugural speech.

“Freedom will soon hang by a thread” says the official LAGOP statement released today (Jan. 20), “because leftists will control both houses of Congress and the White House.”

According to the statement, Republican Louisianans have contacted the LAGOP in “frustration and anger,” and the LAGOP urges them to “redouble(their) efforts to change the direction of our nation.”

The statement calls Democrats “deceivers,” whose “hypocrisy will be exposed for all to see.”

Here is the complete statement :

January 20, 2021

Fellow Republicans, this is going to be a tough week. The reason: Freedom will soon hang by a thread because leftists will control both houses of Congress and the White House. We have faced perilous times before, but this seems different. So what is our path forward?

First, we can and we must persevere. We must remain active in conservative politics and redouble our efforts to change the direction of our nation. Our forefathers would expect nothing less from us, and we owe it to our successors. Now is no time for anyone to fall away from the conservative movement- you are needed now more than ever!

Second, we can keep telling the truth. President Trump pointed the way: He was right when he called out the fake Russia collusion hoax in 2017, and he was right about fixing our economy. As a result, seventy-four million American voters supported him. Now we are condemned for exercising our sacred right to vote, while the Democrats make a pretense of calling for national unity and the press uses a grotesque double standard in reporting.

But effective today, the Democrats are in power. They will begin trotting out their issues for a vote and their hypocrisy will be exposed for all to see. Joe Biden and the Democrats are not moderates- they are social progressives who hid their real politics from the public in order to win the election! Our job is to expose them as the deceivers they are by speaking truth to power.

Many of you have contacted our office over the last several weeks to express your frustration and anger. We hear you and we share your sentiments, but we aren’t giving up, and we hope that you won’t either. We are fighting every day for our conservative values and constitutional freedoms. We stand with you, and we are here to fight for you.

Do not be discouraged. Our movement will remain strong as long as we stand together. Please continue to stand with us as we stand with you. Keep fighting the good fight. We will win in the end, and never forget the immortal words of the first great modern conservative:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke