Man charged after Chihuahua found wrapped in plastic bags in grocery store trash

DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. – A man faces charges after allegedly hiding a dog inside plastic bags and putting it into a trash can.

31-year-old Kegvin Flanagan has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty.

It happened on February 12th around 4:30 p.m.  at Karns Foods Store  in Lower Paxton Township.

A Karns employee tells WPMT he was working outside when he heard a rustling sound coming from inside the trash can.

When he looked inside, he says he found the noise was coming from a yellow, plastic Sheetz bag.

After opening the bag, he and other employees discovered a trembling six pound male Chihuahua.

“He wasn’t making any noises, you could tell he was very frightened and shaking really really bad,” said Tyler Loper, Karns store director. “We took one of the donated blankets to wrap the little guy up and brought him inside to the officer and tried to give him a little food and water,” he added. 

Surveillance footage from outside of the store shows Flanagan throwing the dog wrapped in bags inside the trash can, then driving off.

“To see someone disregard a life like that it was really sad,” said Loper. “The fact that someone would actually throw out a helpless animal like that on a cold day in a trash can is awful,” he added.

The Chihuahua, now named “Niko” is up for adoption  at the Humane Society in Harrisburg.
