Mom on the run after delivering stillborn with toxic levels of meth

HANFORD, California (KSEE) – The family of a woman accused of murder after delivering a stillborn baby with toxic levels of meth in his system spoke out Tuesday.

Chelsea Becker a 25-year-old Hanford woman is wanted by police and on the run.

Her family said they don’t know what went wrong and described Becker as an extremely smart and beautiful girl who went down a bad path.

“Troy was born addicted to meth and we got him when he was two days old,” her aunt Julie Lance said.

Lance adopted one of Becker’s sons – three-year-old Troy – and has custody of her one-year-old, Silas. Becker’s oldest, a 4-year-old was also adopted out.

Lance said her niece was using drugs throughout her pregnancies and each baby had meth in his system. Detective Sergeant. Justin Vallin of the Hanford Police Department confirmed her statements.

“They did and CPS took them out of her custody when they were born,” he said.

Vallin said the pattern repeated itself last month when Becker gave birth to a stillborn boy with more than six times the toxic level of meth in his system.

“The levels of methamphetamine in this baby’s system were such high levels, even for an adult, so we believe she was using almost the whole entire time she was pregnant,” he said. He also said Becker admitted to meth use just days before giving birth.

A murder warrant was issued for Becker’s arrest. Vallin said he believes she knows she’s wanted and is on the run.

“I want her to turn herself in. I’m excited for her to straighten up and get clean, because I know she’s smart enough to get out of it,” cousin Terra Ordonez said.

Ordonez said she and Becker used to be very close. She said she still loves Becker and knows she can make it past this. She hopes others won’t judge her cousin over her addiction.

“Hopefully it’s an eye-opener for a lot of women who are struggling and pregnant — scream for help.”

Lance said Becker and Silas have a strong bond and it’s not too late for her to be a part of his life.

“If she wants to see him. She needs to turn herself in. I know she loves him and I know if there’s anything in the world she wants it’s this baby. She needs to turn herself in,” she said.

Anyone with information on Becker’s whereabouts is asked to contact the Hanford Police Department Investigative Unit at (559) 585-2540./