Old Kenner High School building will be demolished this month

KENNER, La. — It was the first school to be located in the city of Kenner, and it towers over Rev. Richard Wilson Drive, now with burnt debris hanging out of the window frames.

The building was abandoned decades ago, but a 2018 fire destroyed what was left of the old school.

“All three administrations since I’ve been here attempted to bring the building and to use it in some capacity. Funding has always been an issue. We were able to secure a grant for the roof to stop the damage, after literally the week that we got the money, the building caught on fire,” said Kenner Councilman Gregory W. Carroll.

The school is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, so for years, the city council debated their options, all while the structure sat vacant. While many Kenner residents believe that the old high school is an eye sore, Councilman Carroll says the city’s biggest concern with this building is safety.

“Part of the plan is to demolish it to salvage as much as we can, and from a historical stand point, even if it’s a historical building, nothing prompts safety, so if safety is the concern, that gives us the path to do it,” said Carroll.

Carroll says the city does not have the funds to restore the building, but some locals say the property should be transformed into something the whole community can enjoy.

“I would like to see a library in this part of Kenner. I think this being refurbished can rebuild this whole area,” said Kenner resident James Morgan.

Regardless of what happens to this property, one thing is for sure, The old Kenner High School is coming down this month.